

Kindergarten is a child’s first experience away from parents and is a big step for both parent and child. With an emphasis on the child’s development, we guarantee to provide a safe and fun learning environment that makes it an ideal out-of-home experience.

We aim to provide a safe and valuable environment where children’s rights and needs are respected, validated and protected.

At ForestKids International Preschool we believe that

Every child has his own path; Each child’s learning pace and method is respected.

At school, children are encouraged to do everything themselves, experience life and solve every problem on their own. Trust the potential of children.

Not every child can draw the same picture or make the same product. Every child’s development is unique. For this reason, standard assessment scales are not used in our school.

We regard the child as “potentially rich, powerful, powerful, competent and, above all, connected with adults and other children”. A strong child image, a multi-role teacher, a rich and educational environment, strong relationships, project-based learning are the prominent principles of our school. Teachers, in cooperation with the school psychologist, prepare study topics suitable for children’s age and development levels, interests, needs and interests.

The school has a full-time psychologist (Pedogista) who facilitates children’s developmental tasks. Self-control, emotion regulation, peer communication, empathy, children’s social skills, etc. It is also responsible for the differentiation between children’s learning styles and meeting their emotional needs by classroom teachers. Pedogista provides ongoing support for teachers to develop their capacity to observe and listen to children, document projects and conduct their own research.

We spend at least 50 minutes in the garden every day, in all weather conditions, wearing appropriate clothes.